If you are a homeowner, store owner or even if you own factories which have electrical systems that include meters and circuit breakers. They form the backbone of a stable electric grid. But I mean obviously you want to ensure that there is nobody invading the systems and stealing your electricity or causing interruptions in any matter? If you are pro in playing it safe with everyone and everything, there is much more to know about reliable double lock meter seals!!!
Meter seal security tags are unique tiny plastic devices which you can fasten to your electric meters and circuit breakers. They have a number and identifier, too some with seal These break if somebody tries to remove the tags. With these tags, you can make your electrical systems only accessible to the people who are permitted. And if someone tries to mess with the tags, you will be notified immediately. It will help protect your property from interference gently.
Our seals can even be branded with your logo & colours! Name badge holders is a great investment for branding these things will not just promote your brand it also protect. These seals are also available in large quantities and at very competitive prices, meaning you make a savings. This is a great way to cheaply verify that all of your meters and circuit breakers are sealed properly.
It is crucial that you use strong and secure meter seals when it comes to your electrical tags. Bump Proofing prevents theft and damage to your home while keeping you safe. If you or a child need help with one of your electrical systems, please contact our professionals as soon as possible. 8 DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR YOUR KIDS Faulty/mess up meters & circuit breakers can mean disaster, it means accident from fires until explosions. Which is the reason why you will need to place safety first.
This is the reason why it becomes highly essential to use certified and tested safety seals. In addition, we follow international standards and guidelines including ISO 17712, C-TPAT and RoHS at Ziwei. We choose sustainable and environmentally friendly materials for all the works. That way, you have the reassurance everything use product that is safe.
This is the reason why Ziwei provides an overall solution for meter seal tags. They even have tools that help you inspect and remove the seals,Besides having real online support. Our technology will allow you to quickly authenticate your seals and detect any tamper-evidence. If you find one then just replace those seals and ensure that everything is sound.
So in other words, if you would like to compare those wonderful meter seals (for electric tags) with cheap big box and mass quantity reseller stock — well let me share this with you. Use these reliable, tamper-evident seals to secure doors and alert against theft, vandalism & accidents. That is good frugal thinking and will save you in the long run.